< Scientix: The new web-based community for Science Education
First European Conference of the Fibonacci Project
30.06.2010 00:00 | Category: General | By: Dagmar Raab21 - 22 September 2010 in Bayreuth, Germany
Raising Awareness about Inquiry Based Science and Mathematics Education in Europe
The conference is seen as the starting conference of the Fibonacci Project.
Its objectives are:
- Raising a broad awareness around the project objectives, involving in particular the scientific community.
- Arousing interest among entities seeking to gain experience into inquiry-based science and mathematics education.
- Emphasizing the role of learning environments.
- Bridging the gap between IBSME theory and practice.
- Organizing networks of cooperation for inquiry-based mathematics and science education.
Target audience: Educationalists, researchers, scientists, policy makers and stakeholders.
Fill in the online registration form to join the conference!
E-mail: Please enable JavaScript to reveal the Email address
Phone: +49 921 55-3266 or +49 921 55-3288
- Files:
conference_programme.pdf1.3 M